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How MouthShield Complements Nasal Dilators

person with nasal dilators


Nasal dilators are an excellent solution for individuals looking to enhance their nasal breathing during sleep. However, they do not address the issue of mouth breathing, which can undermine their effectiveness.

This is where Mouth Shield comes in, providing a complementary solution that ensures your lips stay sealed and promoting consistent nasal breathing!

The Limitations of Nasal Dilators Alone


Nasal dilators are designed to improve nasal airflow by physically expanding the nasal passages. This can significantly reduce snoring and improve breathing for those with nasal congestion or narrow nasal passages.

Despite their effectiveness in promoting nasal airflow, nasal dilators do not prevent the mouth from opening during sleep. As a result, many users still experience mouth breathing, which can lead to dry mouth, disrupted sleep, and reduced overall effectiveness of the nasal dilators.

Benefits of Using MouthShield with Nasal Dilators


Mouth Shield is designed to address the issue of mouth breathing, providing a more comprehensive solution when used alongside nasal dilators. Here’s how Mouth Shield enhances the effectiveness of nasal dilators:

  • Ensuring lip closure. MouthShield fits comfortably between your teeth and lips, ensuring that your mouth stays closed throughout the night. This enhances the benefits provided by nasal dilators.
  • Promoting nasal breathing. By sealing the lips, MouthShield encourages consistent nasal breathing. This process helps improve respiratory health, reduces the risk of infections, and enhances overall sleep quality.
  • Maintaining oral moisture. Mouth breathing can cause dry mouth, leading to discomfort and an increased risk of dental issues. MouthShield prevents this by keeping the mouth closed, ensuring that saliva remains in the oral cavity.

MouthShield is an excellent complement to nasal dilators, addressing the crucial issue of mouth breathing that nasal dilators alone do not solve. By keeping the lips sealed and promoting nasal breathing, Mouth Shield enhances the effectiveness of nasal dilators, ensuring better sleep quality and improved overall health!

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