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From actual customers!

"For four years, I searched for a solution to stop my mouth breathing, as it was contributing to periodontal disease. I tried everything—nose dilators, chin straps, mouthguards—nothing worked. Eventually, I gave up.

At a recent dental visit, I was devastated to learn I had full periodontal disease, bone loss, and loose teeth. Determined to find a solution, I searched again and finally discovered MouthShield.

I received it yesterday and used it last night—finally, a solution that works! I only wish I had found it sooner. This changes everything for me, and I will use it diligently to slow further bone loss.

Thank you for this life-changing product!" — Connie Kelly, A VERY Satisfied Customer

"...I have purchased a $2000 custom mouthguard as well as a $60 chin strap. Both had some advantage, but the chin strap was painful to wear and the oral Appliance disrupted my sleep all night because of a dry mouth. This device not only accomplished the most effective sleep with the CPAP, but was also incredibly affordable compared to the other two recommendations. I feel so fortunate that I found you..." -Tom C.

I started my sleep apnea journey in January… My ResMed AirsSense 11 provides a report every morning… I had a baseline of around 25 events per hour (AHI) before CPAP started. Trying many different masks and CPAP settings, I finally settled on the AirFit N20 nasal mask and a wide mesh chinstrap… I was fine with the mask, not a fan of the chinstrap, but without it my mouth would come open and undermine the whole deal. So when I saw the Mouth Shield ad somewhere online, it struck me as unique, creative, and possibly just what I needed. I am a bit skeptical about internet ads, and the sleep industry is loaded with tricks and gimmicks, but I took the risk for some reason, and I am SO glad I did! Used it last night for the first time. It was comfortable, but I did open my mouth some and the device slid out of position, so I added the chinstrap back to just keep things in place. I slept very soundly, and the AHI was 3 events!! Much lower than I had ever seen or hoped for. And sleep quality was much improved. The AirSense 11 CPAP report gave me 20 out of 20 points on leakage, the best score by far I have had. Sleep fragmentation was lower than I have had, and overall sleep quality was the highest I have had. I am very confident that I will adjust to this new device over the next two weeks and will probably be able to eliminate the chinstrap. But even if I still need the chinstrap, the MouthShield has significantly boosted the effectiveness of my sleep therapy. I’m buying one for my snoring daughter, and a back-up for myself.

- David M. McCord, Ph.D. Research Psychologist

The Mouth Shield is comfortable with my mandibular advancing device and prevents dry mouth throughout the night. -Kent S.

Overall, your product is the best I have found for my problems, so thank you for creating it and marketing it. -Eric T.

This device has impressed me! It took some getting use to but after just a few days it became pretty normal and I definitely have been sleeping better and far more comfortable when I wake up. I used to snore pretty loud and wake up with a really dry mouth and sore throat. I knew that couldn’t be healthy but those chin strap devices looked awful to me! I can’t thank the inventor of this product enough! How innovative and simple! I’m not the only one sleeping better now too. My husband thanks you! This device has likely saved my marriage haha! -Jasmine F.

I’ve been using a MouthShield with my CPAP nasal mask every night and have had no issues. My CPAP average usage has increased to over 6 hours a night. Before, using a chin strap, my nightly CPAP usage was 3 hours max...if I used it at all. -Marlin R.

I just wanted to share that I love your product! I use a CPAP machine for severe sleep apnea and I wear a dental guard to protect my teeth from grinding. I've had such difficulty sleeping due to my mouth falling open and air escaping my throat from the CPAP machine causing my mouth to be painfully dry! I'm constantly waking up due to dry mouth and discomfort due to the CPAP machine. I just started using Mouth Shield this week and it really works! I still have a little dryness from the CPAP machine, but it's tolerable. I'm sleeping better through the night now all thanks to Mouth Shield! Thank you for making this product... -Teresa P

I wanted to have two Mouth Shields for backup. I am using one for my cardio training and am amazed at how much better I feel by nose breathing during exercise and not mouth breathing.

The MouthShield has greatly improved my dry mouth & throat issues. A chin strap did not work for me. It took about 2 weeks to become comfortable with it. -Bob B.

I was ready to completely abandon my CPAP Nasal Mask before I found Mouth Shield. Mouth Tape and Chin Straps were too restrictive and simply didn't work for me. MouthShield is a comfortable and non-restrictive option that prevents mouth breathing. Love it! -Mike V.

Having used a CPAP most of my adult life, masks always drove me crazy so I've always used nasal cushions/pillows rather than masks. Unfortunately, my mouth always tends to open a little while I sleep causing noise that bothers my partner and preventing my CPAP to be 100% effective. I tried using a chin strap and found it to be very uncomfortable. Recently I saw a web advertisement for Mouthshield and thought I'd give it a try. The product arrived yesterday and I can already tell you this product is wonderful. I had zero leaks last night and found Mouthshield to be very comfortable and unobtrusive. I like it so much I ordered a backup this morning. Thanks for this amazing product. -Gregory C.

I love Mouth Shield! The nose is the body's natural filtration system and MouthShield keeps me breathing through my nose while I'm sleeping. I wake up feeling much more refreshed and ready to take on my day! -Paul V.

"I sleep on my back so my mouth naturally falls open. I tried taping, tying a scarf around my chin, propping a pillow under my chin, all to no avail. Found Mouth Shield online and IT ACTUALLY WORKS! It only took a couple of nights to get used to it. I love it so much, I ordered a second one in case I ever misplace the first one." -Jenny M.

Fits great, very comfortable, and does the job - no breathing through the mouth!

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